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ILO Governing Body Meetings
March 13, 2023 - March 23, 2023
The International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Governing Body (GB) is meeting in Geneva on March 13-23. USCIB will be on the ground, as always, and the key issues that we are going to be on the lookout for are:
1. A decision on whether the ILO will proceed with standard setting for platform work,
2. The final Program and Budget for 2024-2025, and
3. The plan for the Global Coalition for Social Justice. We will share a summary after the GB.
The GB in a nutshell
The Governing Body (GB) is the executive body of the ILO. It meets three times a year, in March, June and November. It takes decisions on ILO policy, decides the agenda of the annual International Labor Conference, adopts the draft Program and Budget of the Organization for submission to the Conference, and elects the Director-General. The GB includes employer, worker and government representatives. USCIB is the only representative of US employers at the ILO, including the GB.