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(Formerly Turkey)
Accepts ATA Carnets for:
- Commercial Samples
- Exhibitions and Fairs
- Professional Equipment
Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB)
Dumlupinar Bulvari No:252 (Eskişehir Yolu, 9.km)
06530 Ankara –Türkiye
Tel: (90-312) 218 22 45 / (90-312) 218 22 62 / (90-312) 218 20 00
Fax:(90-312) 218 22 44 / 219 40 90-91-92-93
E-mail: serdar.moldibi@tobb.org.tr
WWW Site: http://www.tobb.org.tr/Sayfalar/Eng/AnaSayfa.php
Special Considerations
For Professional Equipment items, Turkish customs strictly requires the Holder or her/his representative(s) to hold a foreign passport.
1) Authorized Representative
- If temporary importation of a Carnet is handled by a representative, the said representative MUST sign box “F” of the importation and re-exportation vouchers. b. The name of the Holder’s representative inTürkiye MUST be clearly indicated in Box “B” of the Carnet, which include the green cover, importation and re-exportation vouchers. c. NEW – In addition, the representative shown in Box “B” MUST obtain a Power of Attorney approved by the Turkish Consulate to confirm the validity of the proxy.
2) Temporary admission with Partial Relief from duties and taxes
- For goods under Carnets that are subject to “Partial Relief”, Turkish customs will charge the importer/Carnet Holder 3% of the total duties monthly. For further details, the importer/Carnet Holder may consult an “authorized Customs broker” in Türkiye. b. For details regarding “Partial Relief”, please refer to Annex E of Istanbul Convention.
3) Penalties in violation of the use of Carnet
- Late re-exportation within 1 month from the date of Carnet expiry – A fine of TL 170 (approximately € 55 | US$60) will be imposed b. Late re-exportation within 2 month from the date of Carnet expiry – A fine of TL 340 (approximately € 110|US$120) will be imposed c. Late re-exportation exceeding 2 month from the date of Carnet expiry or goods do not get re-exported – A fine of two times the bonded value of the goods may be charged