Business Involvement Essential to Address Climate Change

forest_greenAt the meeting of OECD Environment Ministers in Paris, business shared views on how to address major environmental challenges related to climate change and the transition to a circular economy. Taking place one year after the UN Special Summit on Sustainable Development and the Paris climate change conference, the high-level meeting offered an important opportunity to identify concrete areas of implementation to achieve tangible progress in these vital areas.

“Moving from words to action is critical, bearing in mind that green growth is not about curbing growth, but about making the two concepts mutually supportive,” said Russel Mills, Chair of the BIAC Environment and Energy Committee, who led the business delegation at the Ministerial meeting. Business must be recognized as an important provider of solutions and can make its contributions most effectively within a transparent and predictable policy framework that encourages market-based options and incentives. Concrete opportunities for partnerships must be encouraged at the international, national and local levels.

Business at OECD reiterated its support for further OECD work aiming to support climate measures at the lowest cost to society and to promote a supportive policy environment for innovation and investment across different sectors.

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