USCIB Featured in Financial Times in a Multi-Association Letter on Global Trade

On June 10, the Financial Times published a letter to the editor from USCIB and several industry associations rebutting US Trade Representative Katherine Tai’s opinion piece, Trade must transform its role in the social contract: From data to workers’ rights, we need to democratize economic opportunity.  

Tai’s opinion piece painted a grim and revisionist history of a global trading system that has left workers behind, and communities isolated from democratic accountability over the past several decades. The rebuttal challenges that vision head on and argues for the return to “a visionary, confident, and proactive trade agenda” that can serve as a “vital tool in tackling shared global challenges; achieving strength through diverse sources of inputs and information; and promoting democratic values.” 

USCIB’s Senior Vice President of Trade, Investment, and Digital Policy Alice Slayton Clark co-signed the letter. “Now is the time for strong US and allied economic leadership — not for retrenchment,” Clark said. 

Read the full letter here.

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